Board of Directors

To send an email to the board, use the following email address:

President: John Kylis
Elected: 8-2023• Term Expires: 2026

Vice President: John Woods
Elected: 8-2022 • Term Expires: 2025

Treasurer: David Randall
Elected: 8-2024 • Term Expires: 2027

Secretary: Camille DiFolco-Visbeck
Effective: 2-2024 • Term Expires: 2025

Director: Daniel Bojanini
Elected: 8-2024 • Term Expires: 2027

All board of director terms run for three years unless appointed. The terms expire in the years indicated after the close of the annual meeting in August. For more information on board elections, please refer to the NCA By-Laws.

Updated August 2022